Personal loans come in all shapes and sizes, just like the people they are for. Sometimes, living in British Columbia can cause you to need a little extra money, and sometimes it can cause you to need a lot of extra money. That’s where personal loans from Cashco Financial come in to bridge the gap between what you have and what you need.
For the most part, British Columbians are very capable of managing their personal finances quite well without needing to seek additional sources for a cash influx. However, we at Cashco understand that sometimes life happens. You have 683 dollars in your account but groceries are $110 this week, the utility bill is $152 and your car has been making a funny sound all week. According to a Federal study, 47% of Canadians live paycheque to paycheque these days, which is fine to cover all the regular expenses. But when a large unexpected expense pops up like a car repair or a new furnace, it can derail your entire financial state. That is when Cashco Financial can get you back on track with any one of our personal loans that are very easy to qualify for and can be attained very quickly.
Cashco Financial has built a presence in BC by operating branches in Fort St. John, Prince George and Williams Lake for many years. We opened additional branches in Kamloops and Quesnel in the past couple years to continue serving more people across British Columbia. We pride ourselves on our branches, our employees and the overall client experience that is unrivaled in the financial industry. At Cashco, we seek to listen and understand always before we seek to be understood. Our clients understand that we are here to help anyone who needs a little relief today and hope for tomorrow. Cashco helps tens of thousands of people every year across Canada. We want to provide convenience and choice every day to everyone. In that light, we are opening a brand new branch in Duncan, BC this spring and are already serving Duncan online today.
Starting in January 2017, Cashco Financial is offering lower rates across BC both in branch and online. Our clients always have the choice of what works best for them; the one of a kind client experience in branch or the ease of our online application and funding. We just enjoy serving you in whatever way works best for you.
Cashco plans to keep finding new ways to show our clients how important they are to us. This spring, we will be introducing a monumental new product offering that will change the financial industry forever and empower all consumers to reach new heights in their personal financial health. This product suite is set to be implemented across Alberta in March 2017 and Cashco is working hard to be able to launch in British Columbia soon after.
So if you live in British Columbia and something happens to create an immediate need for additional money from $100 to $5000, it is good to know that someone is there for you. That someone is us at Cashco Financial. Come and see us today, our one mission is to provide relief for today and hope for tomorrow.