Are you stuck with payday loan debt? Are you suffering because you don’t have sufficient funds to pay off the loan? If you don’t have enough money to ultimately pay off a payday loan, the first thing to do is take a deep breath. You will have to look for ways to supplement your main income and reduce your expenditures until you pay off payday loan debt. Or you could look for ways to consolidate any outstanding debts you may have.
One of the ways to get out of debt is by getting a medium to long-term personal loan called a Flex Loan. Debt consolidation using a long-term installment loan is recommended by many experts because the rate of interest is much lower than short-term unsecured loans and revolving debts like credit card cash advances and lines of credit. Moreover, the rate, the tenor, and the monthly installment amount are fixed when you get approved, so you can formulate a suitable budget plan.
Cashco Financial reports your payment records to credit bureaus in Canada and with every timely payment, your credit score improves steadily. Flex loans, despite credit checks, are very easy to qualify for since Cashco believes in putting trust in those who may not have an ideal credit score, but are committed to paying back the loan. With headquarters in Edmonton, Alberta, Cashco Financial operates out of multiple towns and cities in Canada. But if you need a loan now and don’t have time to head into a branch, just apply online.
If you fulfill all the criteria and provide the supporting documents, the loan is deposited directly into your account. Moreover, Cashco Financial agents offer financial counseling guidance and help you understand all the rules and formalities. Unlike other lenders where tellers make you wait outside a bullet-proof glass cubicle and talk to you over an intercom like jail visitors, you can walk into a Cashco office anytime and discuss your needs sitting down at a desk with our employees.
If you are wondering how to get out of payday loan debt with other methods, well here are few more options.
Not having enough money to repay your payday loan debt could tempt you to borrow more. However, first and foremost, you should end the borrowing cycle and start planning your finances more appropriately.
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