Your credit card data can get stolen if you are not careful. Once credit card information gets stolen and if the compromise is not identified quickly, it could lead to significant problems for you. If you don’t follow the credit card security tips or the credit card security rules closely, you can not only lose money but get charged for fraudulent transactions you have not made. Even worse, money from your account can be used for buying drugs or funding terror activities, and you could be held responsible.
One of the best ways of keeping your credit card secure is to prevent theft of data before it happens. Although some companies protect you with a zero liability policy if your card gets compromised, there could still be altercations and you have to prove that you didn’t carry them out yourself.
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Security Threat #1: There are people who share sensitive card details with friends, family members, and relatives. Some even allow their minor children to use their card without thinking whether they are matured enough to keep the credit card safe.
Solution: Don’t share information with anyone. Using credit cards safely begins by not sharing sensitive card data willfully with anyone. Even if they are trustworthy, data can get stolen from them without their knowledge.
Security Threat #2: Throwing away old credit cards, letters containing PIN, old statements, and those with financial records in your bin without shredding them.
Solution: Use a shredder to dispose of old credit cards and sensitive documents.
Security Threat #3: Entrusting clerks to take your card out of sight to perform a swipe.
Solution: Don’t let clerks take your card. They may note down the details, oblivious to you and the store manager, and use it for personal gains.
Security Threat #4: Using your credit card at gas pumps and stores that have tampered credit card machines.
Solution: First, you should insist on swiping your card yourself. If you see a cheap plastic hanging loose or a piece jutting out of the machine, don’t insert your card. Skimmers are electronic devices that can be installed on credit card machines, discreetly, to capture sensitive information. Start using EMV cards which change or re-encrypt your data after every transaction.
Security Threat #5: Responding to phishing emails.
Solution: Never share your card details through e-mail. Phishing attacks are common. Never click on suspicious links.
Security Threat #6: Spear phishing is growing in popularity and is often preceded by phishing emails.
Solution: Spear phishing emails are tailor-made to your needs. They gather some personal information about you and try to take you into confidence. They then lead you to click pop-ups, links, and take control of your computer, smartphone, and so on, and then steal your data. Never click on pop-ups, links or answer emails asking for personal details.
Security Threat #7: Being duped by a fake or rogue bank website.
Solution: Often preceded by a phishing email, as soon as you click on a link and share your details thinking that you are performing a legitimate and authentic banking transaction, details get stolen. Don’t click on links, pop-ups, new websites which don’t have security seals, symbols, and a secured URL.
Security Threat #8: Using public networks to carry out shopping or financial transactions.
Solution: Never use an unsecured public Wi-Fi to carry out business deals or financial transactions. Since they don’t have all the proper security layers and the firewalls are not always up, it is easy for cybercriminals to break through and take your data hostage. Use a VPN and use updated antivirus software on your computer. Also, update your login details and passwords from time to time. This will help you to protect your credit card online.
Security Threat #9: Using a credit card on a hacked point-of-sale machine.
Solution: It is difficult to check. It is the responsibility of the shop. Sometimes, online POS processors also get hacked. Try to use your card from branded e-commerce sites and big shopping hypermarkets.
Security Threat #10: Using a card on a compromised merchant website with a processor breach.
Solution: Again, almost impossible for an unsuspecting customer to know that the security layers of the website have been breached using spamware. The merchant and your bank will, hopefully, take notice if a fraud gets reported, and take appropriate action.
Security Threat #11: Responding to vishing calls.
Solution: Vishing is voice phishing. You may suddenly get a call one day from a person identifying himself as the security officer of your bank and say that the security of your banking channel has been compromised. He/she would say that he/she needs your details to verify the authenticity of your account or for some other processing. Never share your details. If you get paper mails with similar requests, don’t write back with your card details.
Security Threat #12: Using chip cards without any protection.
Solution: Contactless credit cards, or chip cards, are extremely common in Canada these days. Problem is. There are devices available nowadays that emit RFID or use other technology to read all the card data when you are within 5-80 cm within its circumference. Use a RFID blocker wallet to store all your cards. Also, don’t allow anyone to use a smartphone very close to the POS machine where your card is being swiped. Guard it with your hand when swiping.
If you are careful, you will be able to use your credit card/cards conveniently, and safely.